Thanks for stopping by my site! Sit back, relax, make a cup of tea or java, and enjoy! On the pages that fill this site you'll find photos of my husband and me, our courtship and wedding, our friends, you'll learn more about us, and our favorite things. Peruse this site at your leisure; we hope you'll enjoy it!
The Tabernacle is a holy place, but that doesn't mean it is boring.
Unlike what many people think, Christianity is not a boring "religion." It is, however, an awesome relationship with the our amazing Creator, God! Sometimes people who become Christians become stale, almost like bread, because they start to assume that they know where it's at. Well, let me tell you a secret. They don't! People who act like that are not really good representatives of what God wants us to be like! He loves us and accepts us. Want to hear another secret? God does not love me more than you, nor you more than me! How do ya like that???
In the Beginning, God Created...wait, there's more!!!
So you hear that Christians believe that Jesus died for them? "Well, why did He have to die," you ask? This is where you can envision how awesome our God really is! When God created the heavens and the earth, He also created a man named Adam. At that time, the presence (kind of like awind or something) of God would actually walk and talk with Adam. Because God Himself understood loneliness, He created a helpmate for Adam, a loving wife named Eve. Everything was peaceful and wonderful, and God had only given them one command - not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God Himself was the only one who needed to know those things, because He knew that if man knew, it would create havoc, stress, and burdens, which He didn't want His creation to have to face. Of course, "curiosity killed the cat," and a serpent, who was actually the fallen angel Lucifer, came to tempt them. They ate of the fruit, and their new knowledge became too powerful for them to be at peace with God. Because they now had used their free will to disobey, God could not fellowship with them as He had intended. He has always allowed man to have free will. From this point on, throughout the times of the Old Testament, mankind had to sacrifice things in order to remain in a relationship with God. However, the coming of the New Testament times changed things. God so wanted to us to be in fellowship with Him like He had intended. He decided to make the ultimate sacrifice, and He sent his Son, Jesus, to come to earth, to face everything that mankind faces, and to eventually die for us. He made the ultimate sacrifice! But not only did Jesus die for us...He rose again!!! He died, and then He went to hell and took the keys of death from the devil. He became the sacrifice so that we no longer must shed any animals' blood or anything in order to have a relationship with God and be heaven bound! The reason we need to accept Jesus is because we were separated so long from the God who created each of us, and who wants the opportunity to have a relationship with us once more! He loves you more than you can ever know! He IS Love!!! You have no idea what Love is until you experience the Love of God!
If you would like to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, say this prayer!
Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I thank you for dying for me. Please come into my heart to be my Savior and Lord, forgive my sins, and give me your gift of eternal life. Thank you Jesus, In your name I pray, Amen!!!!!
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Many Christians don't realize that people who aren't Christians sometimes do not understand the jargon and terminology that many Christians use! A close friend of mine reminded me of this just once! I would love to hear any comments you have at all about what you read here, and throughout this site! Please sign my Guest Book before you leave!
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