Dallas Chatter Get-Together Photos

Dallas Chatters Photo Gallery

The August 2002 Dallas get together of the Single Believers Chatroom...here's the proof that we're not all that insane. :)
Left to right: Duff (Ryan, Ontario), Duesie (Kathleen, Michigan), Savedbygrace (Julia, Florida), Kage_ (Mike,Texas)
Look at our FEETIES!!!

Goofing off

Monotheist (Chris, Texas), Kage_ (Mike, Texas), and Savedbygrace (Julia, Florida)
Two Lovebirds

Kage_ (Mike, Texas) and Savedbygrace (Julia, Florida), looking at wedding pictures from another chatters' wedding...Avie and Tim!

Can anyone say Art D. Fry???

Duesie's (Kathleen, Michigan) early Birthday gift to Savedbygrace (Julia, Florida) - a toy turtle!
Just Chillin...

Kage_ (Michael, Texas) and Duff (Ryan, Ontario) relaxing

You're fibbing!!!

Sway (Sarah, Colorado), Duesie (Kathleen, Michigan), and Monotheist (Chris, Texas) try to out-fib us each with their definitions required by a VERY late game (how about playing till 4 am?)
Sample Photo 6

Nester (Noel, Texas), Jackie (Jackie, ?), Tazz4 (Kathy, Indiana,) and Sway (Sarah, Colorado) debate what to do this evening...while Sway explains that the film "Castaway" is a blatant commercial for Federal-Ex.

Boy toys

Duff (Ryan, Ontario), and Kage_ (Mike, Texas) watch and play a video game before heading into the movie theatre to see "Signs."

Two Cuties

Well, I must admit, Duesie's cuter than I am, but that's us, Duesie and Savedbygrace!

More Cuties...

Duesie (Kathleen, Michigan), Sway (Sarah, Colorado), and Savedbygrace (Julia, Florida)...roomies for the week!
Not more pictures - I just woke up!!!

Actually, this was the morning that I was leaving, and everyone was awaiting Michael's visit tomy room before I left for home. Tazz4 (Kathy, Indiana, Founder of the chatroom), and Kage_ (Mike, Texas).

Kage_ (Mike, Texas) on the big slide!!!